John Driskell Hopkins & Balsam Range the grass don t get no greener

The grass don't get no greener
Than on my side of the fence
I whooped my demons years ago
And I ain't seen 'em since
So I been living cleaner
And I don't get so tense
‘Cause the grass don't get no greener
Than on my side of the fence
But I remember a time
When I thought I would die
No matter how hard I tried
She was never satisfied
The grass don't get no bluer
Than on my side of the fence
She lit out of her three months ago
I ain't seen her since
My bills are all high lonesome
I can't pay the rent
And the grass don't get no bluer
Than on my side of the fence
So I cried and I cried
And I shouted at the sky
And I went down full throttle
And I lived in my bottle
Just to get by
The grass don't get no kinder
Than on my side of the fence
My buzz kicked into overdrive
And I don't make no sense
So burn my lemons faster
And reconvene my tents
‘Cause the grass don't get no kinder
Than on my side of the fence