Johnette Downing gumbo pot

Like ya Mama been tol’ you with any good stew
When you wanna make a gumbo start with a roux
When you wanna make a gumbo start with a roux
Add a white onion and chop it up good
Two stalks of celery like ya Mama tol’ you should
Three bell peppers nice and green
Four Creole tomatoes that’s not too lean
Five Cajun spices to give it some bite
Six okra chopped to fix you up right
Seven blue crabs with nice big claws
Eight shucked oysters, save the pearls for Mardi Gras
Nine jumbo shrimp four long inch
Ten crawfish tails that’s easy to pinch
Mix ‘em all together in a seafood stock
Put your tasting spoons under key and lock
After ‘bout an hour when it smells so nice
Pour it in a bowl over white steamed rice
After you’ve cleaned your plate and shout ooohhh weee!
Thank all the Grandmas that came before me