Johnny Hallyday mes yeux sont fous

My eyes are crazy
Or my eyes are crazy
Or there, in front of me
It's the girl I love
And, in her arms, it's my best friend
But no, I can't believe that
It would hurt me too much
She wouldn't do that
à *that would hurt me too much
She wouldn't say that, not that
My love, my love, my love
Or my eyes are crazy
Or life plays a trick on me
But why do that to me
I want so little
I asked for her to love me a little
But it It was a lot
Their lips seeking each other
That would hurt me too much
And these words she screams at him
Ã* It would hurt me too much, too much
My love, my love, my love
This friend who betrays
It would hurt me too much
This girl who forgets me
That would hurt too much
My eyes are wrong
My eyes are crazy
Oh, no that's not true
This is not true