Jose Mari Chan a phone call

Hello Friend,
It's been so long
Do you remember me?
I was once a part
Of your forgotten past
You'll recall that we were quite a pair,
So much inlove, we didn't care
Though deep inside we felt
Our love might never last
Anyway, it's nice to hear your voice again
It's strange
How things could change
Between us so unexpectedly
My hand getting sort of clammy
‘Cause i know you've lost the thrill
Though the words may not come easy
Let me say
That I love you still
Guess it's best we don't remind ourselves of yesterday,
Where dreams of love
Have all been locked away
Here i am a man
But acting like a
Child at school
Pardon me, I'm just a sentimental fool
Anyway, i hope you're
Well and things are
Swell with you
I must confess that
More or less
I've muddled through
Never quite the same again
You've left a gap that's
Hard to fill
Though i've tried so
Hard, I can't forget you babe
I know i love you still