Juan Formell Y Los Van Van me trajo dos

When you talk to me like a baby
And you tell me that I am your daddy
I melt in a second
And I become your own heart
And as if this were not enough
/>You will give me Jimagua*
What a beautiful woman I have
There is no other like her life
Like roses without thorns and sunflowers.
It made me see life in all the colors
It made me taste all the flavors
What does life have, gentlemen
Oh , oh, oh! How beautiful life is
When you feel good
Everything bad is forgotten.
Wait for me
I tell you my whole story
When they came to my story
br/>The days of glory have begun.
He doesn't want me to scold him
He doesn't want me to give him the heat
When daddy scolds him
Mommy complains (what a shame )
Children are a happiness
That's what people say
It changes your life, it changes everything
And in the end, you feel different.