Juan Gabriel amndote

You came to my loneliness
And when you died I felt restlessness
It seemed like a dream and not true
That there was someone like you
I you filled me with happiness
You filled me with your youth
I narrowed my body in anxiety
Of being yours in fullness
I will no longer be, but alone
Because you you are with me
My love from now on
I promise to make you a lot
But very, very happy
And then I spend it now loving you
Loneliness does not suffer and cries, he leaves me
I feel a divine love kissing you
Thanks to you I finally sigh, today I smile again
I am at night and during the day I wish
And the truth is I didn't know and look I learned
I am very proud to have you
Because I found the most beautiful thing that you are about me
And if you see me, my love, I am sometimes sad
The thing is that loneliness hurt me before it left
Because she was very used to me
Accustomed and accustomed
Seeing you full of love and joy
I felt the love that when I saw you I felt for life
Threatening to come back when you leave
When you leave when you leave