Juan Gabriel que lstima

Goodbye love, today I'm leaving, I'm leaving you, I'm leaving so far away that I don't know how I'm going to get back once
And don't look for me anymore because you will never find me
Neither you nor I have anything more to talk about and now
I'm leaving I will forget you, and without resentment this It's my
Neither you nor I have more to talk about and now
I'm leaving, I'll forget you, and without resentment this is my
So far away that I don't know how I'm going to get back
It hurts my soul to know that we're done, love
May you have good luck wherever you go
Find goodbye dear love, goodbye
It couldn't be possible love ohh it was too bad
Too bad I'm leaving, it's a shame not to have
I triumphed on this occasion, it will be again and I hope there won't be another goodbye, no let there be another goodbye
What a shame
What a shame