Julieta Venegas andar conmigo

Julieta Venegas
Andar Conmigo
There is so much I want to tell you,
There is so much I want to know about you,
Now we can start little by little,
Tell me what brings you here,
Don't be afraid to tell me the truth,
That can never be so bad,
I also have secrets to give you,
And just know that They are no longer useful to me,
There are so many paths to walk,
Chorus: Tell me if you would like to walk with me, oh, oh, oh,
Tell me if you would like to walk with me, oh, oh , oh
Tell me if you would like to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Tell me if you would like to walk with me oh, oh, oh, oh
I'm eager to let it all go,
From the beginning until reaching the present day,
A story I have in me to give you,
A story still without end,
We could say anything to each other,
Even give each other forever a no ,
But now face to face here sitting,
Let's celebrate that life crossed us,
There are so many paths to walk,
Chorus: Tell me if you would like to walk with me, oh, oh , oh,
Tell me if you would like to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Tell me if you would like to walk with me, oh, oh, oh
Tell me if you would like to walk with me oh, oh, oh, oh
If you would like to walk with me
If you would like to walk with me
IF you would like to walk with me
If you would like to walk with me