Julión Álvarez y su Norteño Banda pongmonos de acuerdo

You are not in a position
to set your conditions
I am not here to give
nor to receive sermons
we are not in an hour of complacency
right now I feel like it
to end your passion
you keep your position
I continue in my position
your ego is on the moon
and the pride between the two
if for you it is resistance game
that nothing has happened here
or make life miserable
if you live one day at a time
better let my feet
take me away from this path
which is the wrong path
I can't find your side anymore
I don't know where to start
if I start at the end
I think it would be the most prudent thing to do
a Unless for the 21st time
you have a sensible idea
let's agree
we are going to love each other
or we are going to leave
or again pretend
that here nothing has happened
or make life miserable
if you live one day at a time
better let my feet
take me away from this path
which is the end wrong
I can't find your side anymore
I don't know where to start
if I start at the end
I think it would be the most prudent thing to do
unless for the 21st time
have a smart idea