Julio Iglesias agua dulce agua sal

Oh, oh, oh, oh
With the passing of the ahs I have learned in life
That one lives intensely
Because if it doesn't end
With the passing of the ahs, it becomes better
You appreciate what you have
And you respect what belongs to others
Fresh water, salt water? Through water it comes, through water it goes
Sweet water, salt water? Endita life, it takes you and gives you
Water that falls from the sky
On the waves of the sea
I want to drink you sweet
And you put salt I want to drink you sweet
And do you put salt? Fresh water salt water? Fresh water salt water? Ay, oh, oh, oh sorrows are learned
The heart is hard
And the feeling is stronger
Fresh water, salt water? Through water it comes, through water it goes
Sweet water, salt water? It enditas life, it takes from you and gives you
Water that falls from the sky
On the waves of the sea
I want to drink you sweet
And do you put salt? I want to drink you sweet
And do you put salt? Fresh water, salt water?
Sweet water, salt water? Oh, oh, oh, oh