Juniper Lane backwards

If we could keep those first few weeks
frozen in glass,
if we could pin ourselves in time
maybe this would have passed.
You made it safe for me to breathe.
When light would hit your eyes
it overwhelmed, unraveled me,
I let the sweetness rise
But we missed the greatest part
always looking for the doubt.
So you keep ambivalence
and I'll still be holding out.
All this time has gone by
and I can't go backwards now
It was all on the line
and I can't take it back now.
Give those first few weeks back.
Now I can hear, it's in your voice
in the quiet shallow tones,
something removed, something denied
the pauses overgrown.
Did you find out that I am real?
Did the truth destroy the view?
I always tried to keep that in,
but the instinct still bleeds through.
So you worried it would hurt
and you started backing out
so we missed the greatest part
'cause you focused on the doubt.
All this time has gone by
and I can't go backwards now
it was all on the line
and I can't take it back now
everything's out of time
still I cant go backwards now
if I'm fine, tell me why
I need you back now.
Give those first few weeks back