Jupiter Jones vater

There was so little left of me,
So much of everything else.
I was gasping for air
And only inhaled mist.
And everyone said it would be okay,
That's what they're there for, after all.
I was deaf among the blind
And I complained about it.
A few words,
Like a punch in the neck.
And I raise my arms
And I lower my eyes.
What else should I look for?
There's nothing else to find.
(I'm glad you're here)
/>Because otherwise it wouldn't be me
I was nothing more than a match,
In a burning world.
And if there were such a thing as fate,
Me I would probably have chosen that myself.
It wasn't that I didn't know
That there was more than me.
Me and all the others.
Just I didn't want to recognize it.
A few words,
Like a punch in the neck.
And I raise my arms
And I lower my eyes.
What should I do? Still looking?
There's nothing else to find.
(I'm glad you're here)
Because otherwise it wouldn't be me
A few words,
Like a punch in the neck.
And I raise my arms
And I lower my gaze.
What else should I look for?
There's nothing else to find.
(I'm glad you're here)