Justine Clarke watermelon

Watermelon, watermelon
I love you love watermelon
Great big bite – catch all the drips
Spit out the pips – lick your lips
Watermelon, watermelon
I love you love watermelon
Pineapple, pineapple
I love you love pineapple
Outside hard, spiky and rough
Inside juicy, can't get enough
Pineapple, pineapple
I love you love pineapple
Pears and peaches I like them a lot
Mangoes and apples and apricots
I like bananas and all of the rest
I'll tell you the fruit that I love the best
Watermelon, watermelon
I love you love watermelon
Great big bite – catch all the drips
Spit out the pips – lick your lips
Watermelon, watermelon
I love you love watermelon