Karen Drucker the call of something more

There's been a storm brewing inside of me, clouds moving around my heart.
Something's changing that I can't see.
I'm stuck in what I know is safe but not yet where I'm supposed to be.
I feel the call of something more.
I feel the call of something that I've never felt before.
(Done before. Been before)
I feel the call of something more.
I feel the call, asking, what am I here for?
What am I here for? What am I here for?
They say that pain pushes till the vision pulls.
It feels like my safety nets have fallen down.
I wish I had a map of where to go.
I've got this feeling deep inside that when I get there I will know.
I want to make a move right now though I don't know when or how.
When I trust and know the truth, my heart will point the way.
There is more of me to share, so today I do declare,
that I will take that step in faith and let my light shine.