Karen Drucker three little words

I know three little words that can mean so much,
they give me power every day.
Three little words that can heal my life and help me get out of my way.
Any time I hit a road block, this is what I say,
“Life is good, let it go, play full out, yes I can.
Tell me more, I am blessed, be here now, I love you.”
I know the words that I say will determine the way that my life is gonna' be.
When I say what I feel then I make it so real to manifest my destiny.
I just think about what I'm sayin', that's the magic key.
When I trust my heart to say what's on my mind,
the truth will be revealed, it happens every time.
Words can heal my soul, words can help me through.
My words determine what I think and feel and do.