Karmafree friend offline

I meet, I speak, I smile to you
But deep inside
I am lonely
You don't even know that
When I'm friendly to you
I truly want to be your friend
Why can't you be my friend offline
I want to know your soul
And you could know mine.
My soul yearns for a deep relationships
But all around I find they're empty
You'd rather die
Then open up all your flaws
But I would like to see and accept
Their beauty.
Why can't you be my friend offline
I want to know your soul
And you could know mine
Why are you so afraid
And turn away
Every single time
When I come closer?
I reach to you
But you step back
Why do I always find myself so naive?
I try to break a wall
But you build more defence
When did we all become so bloody stone cold?