Karmia mistakes

More than anything I wish to go back in time
To prevent all the mistakes I made in the past
From the beginning I knew that I would deny myself
For the tunnel is dark and I can't find the light...
And I...
I loved you more than anything in this life and now I hope
that I would have said it to you more often. I feel like a fool
You dealt with my problems and all the downfalls
but did I ever have the time to listen yours
Silti jokainen hetki täällä sinusta muistuttaa
ja muistan kuinka öisin sain unohtua sun suudelmaan
Ei yksin meistä kummankaan tarvinnut kohdata maailmaa
More than anything I wish to go back in time
To prevent all the mistakes I made in the past
From the beginning I knew that I would deny myself
For the tunnel is dark and I can't find the light...
Maybe years from now when I look back in time then I
will finally be able to go on
Silti tunnen piston, joka minut sisältä saastuttaa
Tunnen kuinka kaiken kauniin ympäriltäni se tuhoaa
Kuinka tyhmä onkaan ihminen, kun särkee toisen sydämen
More than anything I wish to go back in time
To prevent all the mistakes I made in the past
From the beginning I knew that I would deny myself
For the tunnel is dark and I can't find the light...
And I wish I could explain it to you
But there are no words to make it right
Haluaisin selittää, yrittää ymmärtää
Miksi sydämesi tuhosin
En voi koskaan hyvittää
All the things I did...
Just a mistake after another...
I fall.
More than anything I wish to go back in time
To prevent all the mistakes I made in the past
From the beginning I knew that I would deny myself
For the tunnel is dark and I can't find the light...
And I wish I could turn the clock backwards
To the time when everything was still alright
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