Kasper Winding little space girl

With a taste for life on a starry night
Everything’s wide open, things to learn, ways to burn.
No one can stop you now little space girl.
Hello how are you ?
I’m ok thank you.
So lets meet really soon, Really soon
Can you hear me …….
A taste of life on a starry night
Everything’s wide open, things to learn, ways to burn.
No one can stop you now little space girl.
Tender notes from a fare away place
Elegant quotes with a gentle trace
Lets meet really soon, really soon
Can you hear me……..
With a taste for life on a starry night
Everything’s wide open, things to learn, ways to burn.
No one can stop you now little space girl.
A sign of life in your starry eyes ,life is wide open
You crash and burn ,you live and learn
No one can stop you now little space girl.