Kate Carney are we to part like this bill

Three weeks ago, no longer
I was as gay as a bird on the wing
But since me and Bill have been parted, you know
Life seems a blank and it's changed everything
I saw him out with another last night
None can guess how I felt at the sight
With tears in my eyes that I tried to keep back
I crept to his side and said,
Are we to part like this Bill
Are we to part this way?
Who's it to be, ‘er or me?
Don't be afraid to say
If everything's over between us
‘Cos you and me still friends can be
For the sake of the days gone by.
We went to school together
Lived side by side, me and Bill, in the mews
When ‘e was ill, too, I stayed up for nights
‘E used to tell me his wife I should be
Sleeping or waking, at work or at home
I find myself murmuring this,
Down in a little laundry
Me and ‘er work side by side every day
She was my pal and I looked to ‘er well
Trusted and helped ‘er in every way
Still if my Bill cares more for ‘er than me
I wish 'em no harm no, but prosperity
I try to forget him, but each day I find
These words running through my