Keren Silver ata ta ase you shall bring it to pass

Agolel alecha et drachai
(I will commit my ways to you)
Eten lecha laset et uli
(I will let you bear my burden)
Evchar livtoach becha, Adonai
(I will chose to trust you, Lord)
Ken Atà ta'ase
(Yes, You shall bring it to pass)
Atà ta'ase
(You shall bring it to pass)
Ki Hivtachta
(Because you promised)
Shimcha amiti vene'eman
(Your name is the true and the faithful One)
Ki Hivtachta, Ken Hivtachta
(Because you promised, yes You promised)
Atà ta'ase
(You shall bring it to pass)
Rahameha Mimeni lo tichla
Shomer abrit Ve-hachesed Atà
(You will not withold your mercies for me)
Me Olam ad Olam
(From Everlasting to Evarlasting)
Atà ta'ase
(You shall bring it to pass)
Shimcha amiti vene'eman
(Your name is the true and the faithful One)
Ki Hivtachta, Ken Hivtachta
(Because you promised, yes You promised)