Kill veni satana

Pussiant master
Come to u s now
In merciless splendor, arise!
A tempest is rising
It heralds the dawn
Of thy might and thy glory, eternal
Mountains are heaving
Trembling in awe
The blood of the earth let for its prince
Cosmic destroyer
Bringer of doom
Revel in triumph
Veni Satana!
Flames infernal and flames of earth,
Brighten His way into our world
The oceans are churning
Boiling with rage
Their black depths of water roaring thy name
Thy path is of fire
Thy crown is flame
Thy kingdom this world burnt into ash
Puissant master
Come to us now
In merciless splendor, arise!
Cosmic destroyer
Bringer of light
Revel in triumph
Veni Satana!