Killing Addiction less than human

From the beasts of the earth we crawl,
Into swarming tribes of life.
Out of truth of lawless reign,
Into lies of the humane.
As we’re cloaked by a moral mask,
And then bent by Reason’s will,
The charade of civil man
Shrouds the hate in nature’s glare.
See the primal inside the noble and see the human.
Civilization – idealistic and pharisaic.
Greed and anger, self-survival – this is nature.
Man’s distortion, the art of ethics – the great delusion.
Binding of the will defies the self.
Domesticate the predators through faith.
Instincts act to serve without restraint.
Systemize, indoctrinate, pious lives and fallacies,
Meaningless, the masquerade.
Molded minds, puppetry, vacuous experience,
Conscience hides aggressiveness.
Fingerprint of treachery, criminal or justified,
Artifacts of right and wrong.
Civil war, the war of one, all against the social mind,
Caustic ideology.
Evolved rivalry which lies within.
Clouded shades of gray define our lives.
Actions unaware to greater ends.
Godless judgments in the minds of men.
See the living; see the dying; see the cycle.
Birth and murder, pain and pleasure – this is nature.
Divinations, depravations – no distortions.
We, the angels. We, the demons – all too human.