Kingdoms of Flesh the darksign

All shall be one with the fire
From the dark they came
And found the souls of lords in the flame
Thus began the Age of Fire
But soon, the flames will fade, and only dark will remain
Even now, there are only embers
And man sees not light, but only endless nights
And amongst the living are seen
Carriers of the accursed Darksign
Humanity lives with the power of the dark
As ancient bonfires kindle
The dark soul fragments within every heart
Defy the lord of cinder
All shall be one in the dark
Undead lands of the cursed north
Tell the coming of the warrior
Who rings the bells and slays the lords
And chooses the fate of the fire
As each lord falls the end draws near
Their souls return within the dark
When the gates of the fire lord appear
What future will they hold in heart?
From the dark they came
And found the souls of lords in the flame
Thus began the Age of Fire
But soon, the flames will fade, and only dark will remain