Kinky minotauro

Auu, aaa
Auu, aaa
Auu, aaa
So I repeat that your mother
She left with your father
A big bull with a pair of horns
br/>And galloping hooves
A big bull went with your mother
They went to hide in that stable
They did their thing for a moment
And then they conceived you
And your name is minotaur
And you deserve confinement
Your home is this long labyrinth
From which there is no return
The walls are long and made of stone
Don't try to escape somewhere
Your head is a bull, don't pretend
Think that you are human
Auu, aaa
Auu, aaa
Auu, aaa< br/>So I repeat that your mother
She left with your father
An employed man
With a couple of debts
And other bills remaining
A man employee
He left with your mother
They rented one of those hotels while passing through
They did their thing for a moment
And they conceived you later
And you call yourself a citizen
And you deserve confinement
Your house is this white cubicle
From which there is no access
The walls are small wooden ones
The computer is your labyrinth
You mold is already made
Don't pretend to think you're a minotaur