Kispl s A Borz hsrg hdver

Kispál and The Badger
Sun with Moon
Húsrágó Hídveru
and now there is nothing else, so come forward
Húsrágó, comrade, he survives with half an arm
A bug got lost in the body tonight
If you don't do a new trick
A giant one will come out tomorrow
T ©ged eats me first
and doesn't do anything else
This whore is big
Far from everything, close to the heart
Do a miracle, and I will believe it
How do you need a system that doesn't move
And even Mom promised you would get it
Because your arm is just a dead body ¡g, cut it and run
Your heart and your brain are now on the same line
Húsrá³, hídvereó don't cry over the poem
I have come this far, now let my soul work