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Why are you just sitting there looking sad? Your self-pity isn't helping any of us now. You could stand up now and scream that enough is enough. You could tell him listen on with dem Shit. Stop crying mom, show that you are strong. I promise you, I'm pretty good too, just do something. I can't take it anymore, we don't need him, we can get along without him. He's only hurting us, look at you, green and blue. I want us to leave and never see him again. No, you and I can't live like this anymore. I know you're afraid of the beating, but so am I. We can do this all by ourselves, because without him you won't have to cry at night anymore. You just lie there, put up with everything, finally stop forgiving this man.
You have the power, you alone. It's your life, not his and mine too. At night you lie awake and I hear you cry and ask when will you stop forgiving.
Why do you let yourself be treated like that, he's not God, you'll find someone else. He is what he is, he won't change, he's been afraid for years, Mom you have to act now. The neighbors, they know what's going on here, what's happening here because he's drinking again. But if you think they do something, everyone looks away. Believe me, even hope has no use here. What else has to happen and what about me, if you don't do something you will lose me. I'll run far away from him and you, when it's all too late I won't be here anymore. He won't get better - look at him, I can't understand how you can love him. Think about what I'm saying, because I'm leaving when things get tough.
You have the power, you alone. It's your life, not his and mine too. At night you lie awake and I hear you cry and ask when will you stop forgiving.
Why don't you say anything, mom defend yourself, he deserves it, mom honest, losing control, he's dangerous, finally let go, otherwise he'll finish us off.
Don't think about him, him Just think about yourself, think about us and think about me.
You have the power, you alone. It's your life, not his and mine too. At night you lie awake and I hear you cry and ask when will you stop forgiving.
You have the power, you alone. It's your life, not his and mine too. At night you lie awake and I hear you cry and ask when will you stop forgiving.