Knorkator fortschritt

The Stone Age was hell, we had nothing and life was difficult.
We ate dirt, shit in the hole and everyone ran around naked in the forest.
But then came the hand axe, the speed bow, the campfire.
Suddenly it wasn't so stupid anymore and everyone became happier and happier.
Progress, growth, prosperity, happiness, television, telephone, car, fuel.
Progress, growth , wealth, happiness, heating, refrigerators, stoves, electricity.
And today, after millions of years, everything is full of wonderful things
and each one was invented to make us all happy.
So let's all stop complaining now and show some gratitude.
Quietly enjoy this privilege forever in happiness and contentment!
Progress, growth, prosperity, happiness, television, telephone, Car, fuel.
Progress, growth, prosperity, happiness, heating, refrigerator, stove, electricity.
Filter bags, air mattresses, carpeting, Velcro fasteners,
Pretzels, screwdrivers, dog biscuits, pig ears,
Scarecrows, mousetraps, neon tubes, Teflon pans,
Egg cups, egg cookers, egg slicers, egg warmers,
Cardan shafts, camshafts, microwaves, permanent waves,
Geiger counters, fax machines, Combination pliers, nail files,
searchlights, advertising columns, light-emitting diodes, ball bearings,
rain gutters, luster clips, rolling pins, gummy bears,
shirts, saucers, reusable bottles, disposable syringes,
/>Seismometers, barometers, speedometers, thermometers,
Thermal discs, disc brakes, windshield wipers, windshield paste,
Dishwashers, antifreeze, sugar huts, gingerbread,
Plunge hoists, plate mines, cuckoo clocks, beehives,
/>Fly screens, mothballs, carbon dioxide, caustic soda,
Paper rolls, spring rolls, winter gardens, summer tires,
Umbrellas, sunglasses, ashtrays, flamethrowers,
Pressure cookers, decals, grappling hooks, Meat hooks,
Fish hooks, crochet hooks,
Tea bags, tension sheets, pins, dental floss,
V-belts, shoelaces, roof tiles, salt sticks,
Setting boxes, curd soap, chimneys, horseshoes,
Crown caps, silencers, speakers, maps,
Foam rubber, chewing gum, air pumps, parachutes,
artificial insemination, plant-based spreads,
waterless urinals, caffeinated lemonade,
low-fat condensed milk, nutrient-rich plant fertilizer,
Sports car bodies made of glass fiber reinforced polyester,
Construction foam!