Knorkator friederich

Friederich, Friederich,
That was a bad, angry man!
He caught the flies in the house
and tore out their wings.
He hit the chairs and birds dead,
the cats suffered greatly.
And just hear how angry he was:
He even whipped his Gretchen!
There was a big one at the well The dog,
drank water there with his mouth.
The bitterly angry Friedrich crept up with the whip.
And hit the dog, which howled very much.
br/>and kicked and hit him more and more.
The dog bit him in the leg,
deep into the blood.
The dog was sitting at Friederich's little table,
/>where he ate the big cake.
Also the good liver sausage
and drank the wine to satisfy his thirst.
He brought the whip with him
and takes it be very careful.