Kobo Town berfore the day star

Before the day star you were formed in the womb
By the light of the Spirit warmed
Before flesh and blood were stitched to bone
Before the day star you were known
Before the day star you were willed
Then by breath and being filled
In that unseen place where you would grow
Before the day star you were known
Before the day star you were made
No accident, no mistake
You say your mama barely knew your dad
Brfore the day star you were planned
Before the day star you were conceived
In the mind of God, to be received
Into the waiting arms of all that is
Before the day star you were his
You are the meeting place between dust and grace
The infinity of heaven, the lines of time and space
The apple of all-seeing eyes
before the day star you were prized
Before the waters split into sky and sea
Before the day star you were called to be
a ray reaching back to that ageless light
which before the day star was burning bright….