Korpiklaani louhen yhdeksas poika

My Mission, My Importance,*
Where I Was Born, I Grew Up,
The Boot Years, Long Years,
The Boot Lasts All Seasons.
What Name I Give,
I Give It, I Put It ?
Why do I call from Kurjalai,
Why do I call from Visto?
Juice from Six Flowers,
Seven Grasses.
Ingredients of tempering water,
Just like before my Taato
For Strength, For Skill,
Victorious Spirit And Tatho,
Strength, Skill, Victorious Spirit
Louhe Nine Children,
A Lot Of Clumsy Mothers.
Eight Names Are Valid,
One Not First.
Pistos, Rice, Plague, Abscess,
Scab, Eater, Ahky, Luuvalo,
Eight Names Are Valid,
One Not First.
But My Favorite Warm One,
Beautiful Favorite, My Love,
I Will Have You By My Side,
I Want Ella as Your Husband.
Then there are Five Names Ugly,
Black From Kujan's Calling.
Names'Olkoon Vaikka Toivo,
Viak'Tuoivo, A New Beginning.
Your Name Is Goodbye...
Your Name Is Yesterday...
Your Name Is...