Kraftklub hand in hand

The baton strikes in time with the music
The asphalt shakes, a city at war
Out of monotony, into mass hysteria
The next spark is enough and an incendiary device flies
Police officers stand in the rain of cobblestones
I don't know what it's about, but we seem to be against it
Against the system, I'm assuming, no plan
I'm just a man ¤ ran after
Hand in hand â The task force is driving us together
Hand in hand â The damn city is setting my heart on fire
I have smoke in my eyes, gas in my nose
The boys in blue are chasing us like rabbits on the street
The days are black, the nights are light
A bad city, a bad world
Hand in hand â Together against the wall for a lifetime
You and I forever, I'm behind her
I have no idea what we're demonstrating against
But it doesn't matter, The fact is, just as a matter of principle
I see all of this practically, just like you do
Coked paper, smoking barrels
Slogans smeared on gray concrete
The demonstrators are wreaking havoc on the neighborhood
But it's none of my business, because I'm in love
Hand in hand â The task force is driving us together
Hand in hand â The damn city is setting my heart on fire
Hand in Hand â Paint bombs explode on the wall of the house
Hand in hand â In a six-pack towards the sunset
Hand in hand â The task force drives us together
Hand in hand â The damn city is setting my heart on fire
Hand in hand â paint bombs bursting on the wall of houses
Hand in hand â In a six pack towards the sunset