Kris Demeanor i am

Aloyo has uncle, the uncle has a drum
I will make sure it's okay to bring it into school
She's absolutely stunning, she's nearly six feet tall
She is a refugee from The Sudan
Apparently they learn to play by the age of three
I imagine in the camps there's little else for them to day
It's amazing how she seems to have the rhythm built right in
I hope she's not too shy to sing
Come now, play now, everyone pipe down
I have no gift to bring to lay before this land
to honour my new home
They struggle with their English but Aloyo's taken leaps
Considering that when she came she hardly spoke a word
But it's always confusing, one minute she's withdrawn
The next she'll be up dancing with Eileen
I hope that she'll remember, I think it's bound to fade
Her mother has remarried outside her language
But if there's a recording, could we get a copy please?
I've got to play it back when she's 15
For now, could you please tell the class she's ready to practice
I have this gift to bring, to lay before our land
To honour our new home