Kristen Lawrence cats in the catacombs

Cats in the catacombs have scratchy-catchy claws
They toussle a mouse or a ratty-tatty-rat then pause
For something in the darkness creeks
and curious to see
Spooked to poofs of nerves and fur!
(meow, meow, meow)
Cats hiss like catalysts for mighty frighty nights
They cater with caterwalls down the laberyinthy halls
Then patter scatter as a knocking
Echoes down the way
Spooked to poofs of nerves and fur!
(meow, meow, purrrrr)
Cats eyes can categorize images so dim
Like bunk beds of bones holding
Grins an gory eyes awake
A cataplexy like a hex
Will seize the bristly beast
Spooked to poofs of nerves and fur!
(meow, meow, meow)
(meow, meow, meow)
Cats brush by catafalques which, slipped in crypts beneath,
Can portend a mortal end to the lives-of-nine inclined.
Well, pity kitties on their eighth who paw at loose, piled skulls
Spooked to poofs of nerves and fur!