Kristina Stapelfeld headheart

I've got a man who loves me
He tells me all the time
Don't see anyone around me
When I look into his eyes
Well, he only wants me
when he's completely trashed
He only sees me if the room is spinning fast
I thought about it, but it's hard to say
I'm afraid he'll sober up one of these days
He knocks on my door
He's drunk it's 2AM
I have seen this movie
I know just how it ends
But my heart is currently not listening to my head
I know it's crazy to keep letting him in
All my friends think i've gone insane
One day I'll have the strength, but not today
In my dreams he's happy just being alive
To have air in his lungs, a pen for him to write down
Poems so lovely they'd make his old man weep
Then daylight comes, it's all just fantasy