Kronos purity slaughtered

Enchantresses melodies pouring form their honeytongued throats.
Dancing with satyrs to the rhythm of hypnotizing tunes.
All the woodlands fell under the charm of these minstrel sirens.
A peaceful idyllic banquet on a melancholy spring evening...
Faster than thunders,the three fly to their prey,
all these pure targets soon to be butchered...
snake eyes wide open, the bringhtness of misery and pain
oh. Pathetic sylvan creatures. Try to hum with panpipe in your stomach.
The skull smashed... The inspiration never flashes anymore.
beheaded hydriades and eviscerated potameides.
Your neck so easy to dislocate. Your spine so delectable to extirpate...
Our desire of massacre strengthnes our mighty claws.
Henceforth soothsayers will predict their oracles in bloodstreams.
Equilibrium annihilated and purity slaughtered
species sink to their decline. loss finally comes...
Purity slaughtered.
Nightflying legions left the altar of executions.
Apokalyptyk strength of hellfire...
blackwinged archangles of desrtuction abandoned
the fantastic jigsaw of dismembered nymphs.
Melodies so bewitching form severed throats
are just laments of an atrocious agony...
Amputated and eviscerated,
the satyrs have forever ended their ceremonial acts...