Kumbia Kings con el tic tac del reloj

It was so easy to dream
That you could stay
You were so easy to call
A little genius, and here you are
It was so easy to stay with me
I walk around the place
Where you knew you were
This makes me so bad
Knowing that you are no longer here
I would give everything to be with you
With the ticking of the clock
With the exit the sun
Color is coming to me and your goodbye
With the ticking of the clock
The pain continues to increase
It's another day that I am without your love
I need
To be able to exist
I lack the will
To be able to breathe
The loneliness and emptiness kill me
It was so easy to dream
You were so easy to call
This makes me so bad
(So bad)
Knowing that you are no longer here
I would give everything to be with you
With the ticking of the clock
With the sunrise
Color is coming to me and your goodbye
With the ticking of the clock
The pain continues to increase
It's another day that I am without your love