La Energia Nortena la piedrita

I don't think it hurts you so much that
When you look for me and at my side you find calm
I don't know if you still need me
But with my absence you will feel the difference
Your feelings don't hurt as much anymore words
It no longer hurts me if you hate me or cheat on me
It's so much that I hold on
To avoid hurting your feelings
And that's why you're losing
We will see each other very soon
Despite your anger
It is hurting inside
This is the most difficult
There is no wound that time
No is in charge of healing
And that's why I tell you
Destiny has something
Prepared for you
I was just a pebble
That you tripped over
For mistake I knew you
We will see each other very soon
Despite your anger
I know inside it is hurting
This is the most difficult thing
There is no wound like time
It is not in charge of healing
And that is why I tell you
Destiny has something
Prepared for you
I was just a pebble
That you tripped over
I met you by mistake