La Maquinaria Nortena no vuelvo a creer

If you had kept your promises
how easy it is to promise when you don't feel anything
you take me down from the moon and the stars
and at the first opportunity you just turn your back on me
but if I fell in love,
I gave my heart to you and it got hurt
the same thing happened to me again
I'm getting used to suffering for love now
I think I've even stopped feeling pain
My heart is turning to stone
I no longer believe or trust in loves
who claim to love you and cause you pain
my heart is tired of loving
and receive pure betrayal
I will never believe or trust in love again
maybe my mistakes will serve as a lesson to me
I will not fall in love again I promise you
I told it to myself heart
I will never again believe or trust in loves
that claim to love you and cause you pain
my heart is tired of loving
and receiving pure betrayal
I will not return to believe or trust in love
maybe my mistakes will serve as a lesson to me
I will not fall in love again I promise you
I told my heart