La Renga las cosas que hace

She lives in it, in the palace of laughter and pain
And she beckons to me because I am looking at her
And I have nowhere to go
I know that I will say that she was
Alone because she never found me
And because she has kissed death
With the lips of the heart
That poor heart that she dies to live
The things she does, she sends everything to everything
She has always been faithful to risk
And she has tried without reason
If I could convince her, not to try to think
That he accepts her as she is, that is why she chose her
Whoever was his great mentor
He has endowed him with the sharp edge
That bleeds the veins of love
Ã^l, the one who knew how to get rid of you
To you, who carried him with so much fever on your skin
You who carry his sorrows by mistake
And I already live in it
The palace of laughter and pain
And I make signs to you because I am looking at you
And you have nowhere to go go
I'm going to tell you that I was
Only because I never found you
And because I have also kissed death
With the lips of the heart
That poor heart that is dying to live
The things it does, it sends everything to everything
It has always taken faithful risks
And it has tried without reason
If you can convince her, let her not try to think
Let her accept her as she is, that is why she chose her
Whoever was her great mentor
He has endowed him with the edge the one
Who bleeds the veins of love
Ã^l, the one who has known how to unleash you
To you, who carried him with so much fever on your skin
You who carry their sorrows by mistake