Laberinto el bayo cara blanca

How are you doing Margarito
I've come to offer you a deal
I want to enter a race
But I don't have a horse
Come lend me your filly
That's what Arabi told him
The Gonzales make me want to
They are going to race their bay
And they bring a lot of money
But I don't have a horse
If you lend me your filly
I'll tie the bet
I answer Margarito
There is only one condition
The wolf is the one who carries me
I give him the runner
And bet on him to my ranch
With the cows and the tractor
In the middle of Easter
In the ninety-first year
They were already walking along the stage
To their bay very confident
While a group was playing
the people bet hard
With the bayo and the filly
Ready in the match
Some wanted the sincho alive
And others played evenly
The gonzales yelled at them
Bet, don't be afraid
When I gave them the starting call
The bay went ahead
But when he went to the middle of the board
The wolf became even
Later when crossing the goal
I beat him with a body
The Gonzales were men
They knew how to lose and win
They paid for their fever
It cost them a fortune
Well, I beat them with the she-wolf
Margarito Villa Real