Laceration flesh sculpted atrocity

Strained within
The confines
Of our
Everything I do is shrouded
by self loathing
I want to end all existence
so I can't feel pain any longer
Tear my flesh
I need it to
Create a new body
Not of my own
Surgically enhance
The human form
To create a being
Free from weakness
No emotion
Free from pain
A lack of lust
A computerised brain
Programmed to live
As I wish
It will not
Betray me
And I am its creator
it will bow only to me
And as its master
I will repopulate the earth
Some violence is necessary
To get rid of all humans that
Live by lies and spread the grief that
Tears my soul apart
Underground I breed them
Until they're ready to be
Unleashed on the world and
Remove the human scum
Allowing me to finally be
Happy with my life
No other creature will
Walk this earth again