Lagerstein dreaded skies

Oooooooooooooooooooohh ayyy
We've taken land before, we rule the entire sea,
We're venturing through new ground to where the ground can not be seen,
We've built a ship that will never touch sea, never get wet, never swim too deep,
We've built a ship that can go anywhere, a ship that floats on air!
Bet you thought your jet was safe but we can fucking fly!
Ground that bastard right away - we're pirates of the skies!
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's a flying ship.
It sails upon the airways goes wherever it sees fit.
We've built a ship that will never touch sea, never get wet, never swim too deep,
We've built a ship that can go anywhere, a ship that floats on air!
Bet you thought the birds were safe but we can fucking fly!
We're cooking eagle for tea today and I'll tell you fucking why...
Ya-da-dadada-dah-da-da - we're all so fucking high,
Ya-da-dadada-dah-da-da - we're pirates of the skies!
Man no flights, ground your planes - ‘cause we can fucking fly,
Your aircraft is no longer safe and I'll tell you fucking why...
Ya-da-dadada-dah-da-da - we're all so fucking high,
Ya-da-dadada-dah-da-da - we're pirates of the skies!
Ya-da-dadada-dah-da-da - we drink until we die
Ya-da-dadada-dah-da-da - we're pirates of the skies!