Lara Fabian le jour o tu partiras

The day you leave
Much further than here, elsewhere or there
On that day, at least let me know
I will light candles in memory of you
And how you loved them so much
These smells of cinnamon
I will burn incense
For your unfaithful heart
It is not that I fear for love
But that by force of me
You will tire one fine day
I know your love is discreet
It secretly fantasizes
But love is love
The day you leave
Pretending without complexes
The abuse of my caresses
That day, I will accuse your arms
Of abandonment of tenderness
And false promises
The day you leave
Leaving our home
My heart will want to be silent
In this emptiness that already burdens me
Without the echo of your voice
I will be a prisoner
The day you leave
Leave me your address
I will write to you with affection
That day at least let me know
I will post myself at home
Need express love
No you will not leave
Will not leave
Will not leave...