Lars Winnerbäck dunkla rum

Dry the tears my friend
I think I know roughly what it feels like
Like trying to dance with a authority
You just wanted a home, a place
Nothing meaningful to do, anything
If there was time for now ¥t to be
If there was room for a little dignity
Here you get kicked in the queue for a place
Which you don't even want to enter
You chew the whole tail
There is always something going on again
And you always break free and you rush
But still the ground catches your feet
I can't hear lift you up
Can't light up the way you run
I can't cradle you warm and calm
You have a different voice, a different foot rg,
Another country, with other bells ringing
I won't enter your dark rooms
There is a beat of the belt behind the wall
You beat in empty containers
This is the order of hell
In December, you stand still in a tunnel
And crowded, and crowded and everyone just talking
If only there was something to say
If there was reasons for wanting to participate
You see, I can't even imagine
To help someone else
That h This is 'Be Your Own Star Show'
This is 'Bite and kick'
Give exactly what you need
And take what you can get
I'd love to help you up
And be able to light up the way you run
If I could cradle you warm and calm
I probably hear the same noise
And live in the same country
With the same bells ringing
You go Don't walk alone through dark rooms
The vase wobbles on the edge of the table
The wind rumbles above your ceiling
Upwards is easier, but down is steep
Can't land there with your back straight
Horns roar, you lost the battle
In no time you've lost your glow
Nothing new under the sun
We've seen all along
The death of one, the death of another จ¶death
See the men who toil
Get someone else's results
See how the fly suffocates in the spider's now
Look at the hyenas digging
In the carcass for food
Look at the ram in the darkened tree
I can't help you up
Can't light up the way you run
I can't rock you warm and calm
We are walleyes In the time of the wolves
It's the vultures' bells ringing
No light where we wander and run
Around our dark rooms
We are shepherds in the time of the wolves
It is the vultures' bells that ring
No light as we wander and run
Around the world ზÂ¥ra dark room