Laura Bono te amo solo a ti

Shine brightly in my eyes, light pearl drop you
I find you in everything, on the leaf and above
The paper that I now have in front of me
How much love I have for you, it is impossible ² wash more
The more I look at you, the more I think about life
It makes no sense if you are not with me
You are the sun that wakes me up every morning
And if it's a dream don't wake me up, I would sleep for another hundred years
As long as you are with me
You are the dawn, so beautiful to watch
And the love that can never fade is reborn in me
Only if you are here with me, ah ah ah, I'm here for you, I only love you
Time passes but not you, not you have stopped surprising me
You who live and know how to give yourself, take what you want
And in this life you have taken me
You are the sun who wakes me up every morning
And if it's a dream don't wake me up, I would sleep for another hundred years
As long as you are with me
You are the dawn, so beautiful to watch
And it is reborn in me 'love that can never fade
Only if you are here with me, ah ah ah, I'm here for you
To remind you that, I only love you
I only love you, I only love you, I love only you