Laura Mvula nan

Who is this?
It's Laura
Mhm. How are you? It's good to–
–It's good to hear you
Good to hear you too. How are you?
Not as good as you
Mmm. How is the music?
Yeah, it's going OK. It's good
Nearly at the end
Well, we have to keep on keeping on
Just keep your mind on, on the Lord
I pray for you every morning
I really appreciate that, Nan. I know you're thinking of me. I appreciate your prayers; really, I do
Just, uh, keep yourself – you have to keep yourself in order. Keep your t'ings in order
Mhm. Well, write a song I can lift me spirits
Write a song I can shake me foot
[laughs] OK, I'll try
Love you!
All right then
God bless. Bye!
God bless. Bye!