Laura Osnes i had a dream about you

I had a dream about you, we were together again
As we had always been
It was the happiest dream I think I ever have had
That you and I've been in
It was a dream I don't need to explain
We're in the car and we're driving in Maine
It's so incredibly beautiful, I don't know where to begin
We're driving into the night, and from a magical height
We see two orange moons
They're hanging up in the sky like a pair of contented balloons
And as we stare into space in astonishment
I turn to look at your face, and you kiss me
All in an instant inside of a wonderful dream
Oh, I remember two orange moons
Rise in the sky to the sound of loons
And you were there, my dream
I had a dream about you, we were together again
An old familiar pair
It was the kind of a dream so absolutely convincing
You believe you're there
The open road, and the dotted white lines
The crispy smell in the air of the pines
The overwhelming sensation you're up and awake everywhere
And when we look in the sky, they're getting higher and higher
Those two orange moons
There's one for you and for me
And impossibly, both of them gleam
And I am holding your hand for eternity
And you're beginning to say that you love me
If only it really had happened
If only it all really happened
I had a dream about you
But of course, it was only a dream
It was only a dream
It was only a dream
I had a dream about you
But of course, it was only a dream.