Lauren Hoffman pictures from america

From here your land it seems so far, like a distant star
And from here your ways they seem so strange
But yeah, face to face we could be friends, in another age
And yeah, face to face we could be lovers, in another age
I’ll send you pictures of the view from my window in America
I’m making tea I’m breaking bread on a quiet day
And you’re in your bed you try to sleep but your hands are shaking
They tell me war is justified, to forward all mankind
And peace only comes through sacrifice
Do you think they’re right?
I’ll send you pictures of the view from my window in America
My god, the television loves to say you’re my enemy
I wonder what you’ve ever done to me?
’Cause yeah, face to face we could be lovers, in another age
And yeah, face to face we could be friends
I’ll send you pictures of the view from my window in America