Laurie Anderson let xx

I met this guy - and he looked like might have
been a hat check clerk at an ice rink.
Which, in fact, he turned out to be. And I said:
Oh boy. Right again.
Let Xu003dX.
You know, it could be you.
It's a sky-blue sky. Satellites are out tonight.
Let Xu003dX.
You know, I could write a book. And this book would
be think enough to stun an ox. Cause I can see the
future and it's a place - about 70 miles east of
here. Where it's lighter. Linger on over here.
Got the time?.
I got this postcard. And it read, it said:
Dear Amigo - Dear Partner.
Listen, uh - I just want to say thanks. So... thanks.
Thanks for all the presents. Thanks for introducing
me to the Chief.
Thanks for putting on the feedbag. Thanks for going
all out.
Thanks for showing me your Swiss Army knife.
and uh -
Thanks for letting me autograph your cast.
Hug and kisses. XXXXOOOO.
Oh yeah, P.S.
I - feel - feel like - I am - in a burning building
and I gotta go.
Cause I - I feel - feel like - I am - in a burning
and I gotta go.