Layment beauty beast

For all these years I've waited for the only chance to shine.
To be weighed, measured and rated, to be the first in line.
I won't step back, I won't retreat, I will be the last one left.
Come face to face, no second chance.
I show you why we have to fall.
Bury yourself in another grave
While you're crawling on your knees.
It is your call, sacrifice you'r only lust,
Smacked down by the beauty beast.
No it's not just a fight, it's more than the most can see,
Come and join my dance tonight,
Let me show you the beast in me.
It's more than strength, it's more than skills,
It's a chosen way of life.
Give me your gaze, square torns to maze.
I teach you why we have to fall...
Like a shadow in the night - like a mortal enemy inside,
Forces me to keep my head held high...
Never trust the friends by your side,
Never let the end out of sight,
Just stand tall and face the light.